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Grace Weather surprised her parents when she came into the world. Foreigners in a country they planned to leave within three years, they managed without external support. All their family and friends were back home. Rather than pack up and leave, the enticements of the West prolonged their stay. Then, incessant rain, fog and claustrophobia drove her parents apart. So began a childhood spent yo-yoing between Britain and Africa.

Always excited to get on a plane and land somewhere new, for years, Grace never settled anywhere longer than a year or two. A nomadic life shared between the land of the Sahara, the British Isles and Europe became the norm. The latter she discovered and loved after a coach trip through Western Europe.

Throughout those years she met many people and communities from all corners of the globe. She listened to their stories, experienced and saw for herself the best and worst of the human family. Eventually, she settled, became a teacher but one day a routine check-up at the doctors changed everything.

The medics had no cure. She had to leave teaching. They gave her two choices: live life half awake on painkillers or find another way? It was during this time that she began to write. She weaves events from her past into fictionalised drama about family and culture and hopes these stories will be an eye-opening experience that entertains, immerses the listener into that world and stimulates many conversations. 

Her debut novel will be released in September 2024 as a self-narrated audiobook. Keep an eye on the website for announcements. Season one of her short stories series, A Stranger, A Bus And A Jungle is available now.


I really enjoyed getting to know Grace through Hope’s experiences and adventures. I didn’t want the stories to end, especially when they left you wondering what was going to happen next!


Audio Consumer, Somerset, UK



Grace Pics
Grace Weather Smiling